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Abstract Paint


A Blessing for dust and starlight



I lift my eyes to the sky. The brilliant blue is quickly fading. 


The air shifts & changes from the warmth of sunlight to the brisk of night. 


Dusk has come. 


The sun is singing her final serenade — 

and with her setting, the rising of golden light, 

before the darkness settles in. 


A familiar, welcomed comfort, this darkness. 

And together we wait. The darkness & I. 


Hopeful glances at starlight. 

For Darkness makes some things clearer.


Waiting. For the light to crowd the shadows as Dawn begins her melody.


What is it we hear? Here in the silence beyond speaking.

It is not a haunting, sorrowful lament. 

But a hopeful crescendo with the staccato of unbounded joy —

The first notes of a new song as creation is sung into being. 


And we remember that darkness is not only for the grave & the tomb.

Darkness is the crucible for new life. Embers of hope rise.


We are but dust. 

(Humanity holds this sacred truth throughout the ages.)

We are but dust. Dust. And starlight. 


Love. Love breathes life into dust. 

And starlight dances with delight in this new creation.


Can you see the fingerprints of the Creator

as you tap your fingers along to the rhythm?

Can you hear the sacred breath of the Spirit as you exhale? 


The storms that rage outside & within us are creating space.


Much like dusk. 


For dusk too is the already & the not yet. 


Where the sea meets the sandy shoreline.

Seamless yet distinct. Waxing & waning. 

Rising & falling. Venturing out. Coming home. 

Ever-in-motion yet ever-fixed.

Certain. Constant. True. 


Much like dusk. 


For dusk too is the already & the not yet. 


Oh to be attentive to this breath, to this moment. 

This already & not yet. 

To hear the song beyond both the silence & noise. 

To find myself walking in the footsteps of the Holy, 

dancing to the heartbeat of creative Love 

that beckons “come & see. 


Behold the beauty seen & the beauty reflected 

in the rippled waters of “almost stillness.” 


Blessed are we, dust & starlight. 

We, the new song. Embers of hope rise.


Yes, blessed are we, dust & starlight. 

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