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Almond Tree Flowers


A Blessing for the joy seekers and light bringers 


A blessing for the joy seekers & light bringers



Blessed are you who see the tragedies & conflicts of this world…

and of your own heart and yet… 


You choose to be a seeker of joy. 


Not because you are ignoring the gravity of the burdens of this world… but because you know that to seek joy, to find joy,

to hold onto joy, to claim & reclaim joy,

is a holy, sacred act of defiance. 


Blessed are you who say “no” to becoming numb but choose to keep feeling — who say “yes” to feeling the weight of sorrow and also the freedom of unbounded joy.


Yes blessed are you when you make that intentional choice to reach out, to stretch wide, to journey the path before you with courage… who choose to hear the whisper of faith through the loud shouts of unrelenting chaos & turmoil. 


Blessed are you who choose to delight in the laugh lines you find on the faces of others… and the ones you find when you pause to look in the mirror — for yours is a lighter journey, even through the darkest valleys crowded with shadows. 


Blessed are you the joy seekers & light bringers who take the time, who take a breath, as you cherish the tiny fingers of an infant, as you linger a moment longer while holding the wrinkled hands of those who have come to the closing chapters of their earthly stories.


You are the joy seekers. You are the light bringers. You make your way in this world with gentle footsteps of compassion & imprints of kindness. You know that to experience the fullness of joy like the light that breaks forth with the coming of a new dawn means to have journeyed through the darkness.


Blessed are you who choose to seek joy in the world, to see joy in the world. For yours is not a forced facade of superficial positivity but a deeply rooted belief that “all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things will be well”… 


Blessed are you who hear the voice of Love

that leads us beside quiet, still waters.


Blessed are you who see beyond this present darkness to the horizon of hope that rises from the ashes.


How the world needs your strength, your song,

your invitation to yield our heavy-laden hearts


for unbounded joy.  


You are the joy seekers. 


You are the light bringers. 


How the world needs you. 


Show us the way home to Hope. 

Let’s Work Together

Where are you finding joy? Your story matters.

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