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A Blessing for the Queerly Beloved



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Rainbow Socks
Paper Heart


I see you. I see you.

Wincing behind that fatigued masked smile.

It is not a facade. But armor. To protect your battered, bruised heart from becoming broken yet again. 


I know that still, small voice of courage that whispers “brace yourself.” For it is my voice too.


I stand with you, the queerly beloved, 

to offer these words with hope.

That together in our solidarity, 

a marvelous mosaic of color, light & voice.


We can reclaim our sacred story as beloved ones 

created by Love, created for Love, held by Love…


Blessed are we, the queerly, dearly beloved. 

We need not become burdened & weighed down 

by the shame others require that we carry so their self-righteousness is satisfied & they feel absolved of their judgment. 


Blessed are we, who muster through yet another “I love the sinner, hate the sin….” I love you, but….” for we say it again & say it louder — there are no “buts” in authentic Love. 

Holding Hands

I see you. I see you.

And I say, see me too.

We are the queerly beloved.

Loved & beloved of God. 

Blessed are we, the queerly beloved, who claim our lives & our loves are worthy, sacred & holy. No matter what other lies are being sold as truth. 


Blessed are we who have borne witness to our holy scriptures being hijacked as a weapon, no longer holy & sacred. And yet… learned how to breathe healing life anew into the truth of all-encompassing Love.


Blessed are we, who find & create sanctuary for celebrating the coming out into the light of our true selves. Who we have always been and are meant to be.


Blessed are we, the queerly beloved, who find the courage & compassion to choose our authentic selves & to live our authentic stories for ours is the life-saving witness to the dawn that rises after a seemingly unending, unyielding night. 


Blessed are we, who know that coming out to ourselves & to the world is a lifelong movement toward self-love & freedom to find our voice.

And call others to do the same. 


Blessed are we, the queerly beloved, who see the promise of bright hope on the horizon of a new day and shoulder the journey together until we are all truly free.

To love & be loved, beloved ones. 


I see you. I see you. And I say, me too.

We are the queerly beloved. Loved & beloved of God. 

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