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A Blessing for the journey inward


A blessing for the journey inward 

A breath in. A deeper breath out. 

How we limit the needed time to be attentive to our breath. 

22,000 a day. We breathe. 

A breath in. A deeper breath out. 

We breathe. Even here. Yes here. 


Here at the place of unclenching our white-knuckled fists, 

of letting go everything we desperately needed to be so certain 

we knew without doubt or hesitation. 


Here is the unlearning. 


Here is the unraveling. 

Here is where we name what has been lost. 


Here is where we claim where we have found Hope & joy. 


Here is where the beauty begins again. 


And what was spent, worn & tattered 

is being painstakingly stitched 

into something new 

with devotion & callused yet careful hands.


Blessed are you who have the courage to see yourself 

with curiosity and openness time & time again. 

You who throw off the weight of assumptions 

and every way that holds you captive to projected expectations — 

to claim you are loved & beloved. 

For that is what is certain & true. 


Courageous & mighty are you when claim 

you are not a list of achievements or accomplishments. 

You are not treading water to exist in an ocean of needless self-doubt 

that you will never do or be enough. 

You are not a career or even a calling. 


Except the greatest calling of all that draws Breath - 

to know you are called by Love, for the purpose of Love, 

to be carried & held….  by Love. 


Yes blessed are you who open your heart to the Light of hope 

and can see how this unlearning, this unraveling makes you free. 

To name, to claim to know that you have not arrived. 

For life itself is the journey. 

The journey inward. 

And Love always beckons… come. 


It has been said & sung

“To love another person is to see the face of God.” 

So go. Look into a mirror. Deeply. 

Can you see? Truly see? 


To be undone isn’t the end. 

It is the beginning. 

Because you are loved & beloved. 

That is what is certain & true. 

Love always beckons… come. 


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