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Tiny Feet

Called By Name, Called Beloved


A Litany for Remembering Our Baptism


Voice 1: By the waters of baptism, by the Presence of the Spirit God claims us as God’s own.

God breathes with & within us.

We are called by name. We are called beloved. 


Voice 2: By the resurrection promise of Christ Jesus, God raises us to new life, lifts us from the tombs of our shame & dust of despair with relentless grace. 

We are called by name. We are called beloved. 


Voice 1: We are not un-welcome, unworthy or unwanted For the full embrace of God always extends to all of us… 

Voice 2: And to all parts of us.

We are called by name. We are called beloved. 


Voice 1: God of Grace. God of Glory. God of Love. God with us. By Your Spirit make this remembrance with oil & water be for us a Holy Encounter.

Reminding us that Christ is with us. 

Voice 2: That Resurrection is a promise granted to us. 

Voice 1: That the Kingdom of God is closer than we can imagine. As close as our next breath. 

Voice 2: So we come. We are called by name.

We are called beloved. 


Voice 1: You are the Light of the world 

that breaks through the darkness with Love.

Voice 2: You speak “peace be still” to the fears & storms that rage outside of us and within us. 

You call me by name. You call me beloved. 


Voice 1: You bring hope.

You lift our sorrow & shame.

Voice 2: You restore our souls

as You lead us by still waters 

Voice 1: and fill us with the holy knowing

that we belong to You. 

You call me by name. You call me beloved. 


Voice 2: You call me by name.

You call me beloved. 

Voice 1: I am called by name.

I am beloved.

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