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Good Friday Homily, “But God”


From the darkness of the womb to the darkness of the grave. This is our sacred story. That even when the silence seems deafening, even in the doubt, the despair, the grief too deep for words… too heavy to carry. When the story seems to be finished & done. It’s two words that give us a single glimmer of hope to hold onto… “But God.” “But God.” God is still working. The story isn’t over. 


It’s important for us to remember that the disciples did not know how this story would end. They didn’t understand. We read & listen to the story time & time again. Sometimes, I think, being too hard on the disciples. For Judas’ betrayal. Peter’s denials. Thomas doubts… But my friends, how could they begin to comprehend? 


Jesus. Beaten, stripped flesh from bone. Spat upon, mocked. Jesus. Their Lord & Teacher. Messiah. Savior. 


The One about whom The Angel said to Mary “You shall call His Name Jesus. For He will save his people from their sins.” 


The One whom John the Baptist said “behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” Behold meaning “look & see, really see who Jesus is.” 


On Palm Sunday as the crowds raised loud shouts of “Hosanna” which in Hebrew mean “save us.” This Jesus. To the crowds raising loud shouts of “crucify him, crucify him.” 


Jesus who taught about the Kingdom of God coming here on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus who lifted up the outcast, downcast, oppressed, those intentionally unseen by the world. That Jesus. Now raised up on a cross.


Jesus who turned water into wine, in abundance. Jesus who called Peter to walk on water. Jesus who multiplied the fish & loaves… to feed the crowds. Enough that the disciples collected leftovers. Jesus who made the lame walk, the blind see, the dead back to

life. Jesus who shared the table with all. For everyone born, a place at Christ’s table.


Can’t you see how they would struggle to understand this same Jesus. Now sweating blood in his anguish mixed with tears as He prayed in the garden. “If possible take this cup from me… yet not my will but yours be done.” 


Jesus. Betrayed, denied, doubted, beaten, mocked, crucified. A world plunged unto darkness as the Son, the Light of the world was dead. 


It’s important for us to place ourselves in the midst of the story to hear it once again. As we allow the story to shape and change our hearts a new. May we not have heard these verses as ancient sacred history 2000 years ago. 


We take a moment to breathe in deeply, to place ourselves inside this story… bearing witness to these events & imagine not knowing what is on the other side of this … this fear, disbelief, utter pain at witnessing the light of the World, Love lived out now poured out into death, darkness. 


So in our grief, our present darkness, weighed down & weary, we make sacred space for grace that holds us with the peace & promise of God. We lean in, draw near & listen closely for even a whisper of hope, seek a glimmer of light. 


We lift up our eyes. And we wait. And deep in the hidden places of our hearts, the broken edges of our stories, the places that most need hope & light. We wait. We long for. We listen. We remember. These 2 words “but God.”

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