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Doorway Light






Creator. Holy One. Spirit with & with us — 

Who stretched out the earth, the heavens, the skies. 

Who made the stars & knows them by name. 

This is our God.


Emmanuel, God with us —

Who stretches out to reach us, to lead us 

beside still waters, to restore our souls. 

This is our God.


Jesus. Messiah. Savior. 

We see Him beaten, mocked, spat upon

And stretched out on the cross, 

a crown of thorns beaten into His brow.

See, from His head, His hands, His feet

Sorrow and love flow mingled down

Did e’er such love and sorrow meet

Or thorns compose so rich a crown

This is our God.


The Light of the World, Love lived out

Now poured out into darkness…


In this time of light and shadows…

we seek and we find this promise anew…


That God who said “let there be light” 

to the darkness, to the nothingness, to the void —

Still says “let there be light” 

to the darkness, to the nothingness, to the void — 

in you, in me, in us. 

This is our God. 


In the crucible of darkness,

When the world is plunged into shadows    

within & without

resurrection hope whispers

The story isn’t over. 

This is our God. 

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