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Peace Be With You

An Advent Liturgy of Peace


ALL: Peace be with you.


Reader 1: We say these words to one another with hope, 

believing in this promise, leaning in to hear this whisper from the Holy. 


ALL: Peace be still. 


Reader 1: We hear these words from the voice of Love that beckons us,

Calls us by name, calls us to see the fullness of this promise. 


Reader 2: To see beyond our current reality of all that is unresolved, broken, in ruins

To the hope of what will be — whole, restored, reclaimed.


Reader 1: Peace is not the absence of turmoil. 

Reader 2: Peace is the Presence of Love. 


Reader 1: Much like grief. Grief takes up space in our hearts; 

Reader 2: Stretching wide to the edges.


ALL: And so Love grows wider. To make more space. 


Reader 1: Stretching our hearts to a fuller capacity.

Reader 2: Grief doesn't become less or grow smaller. 

ALL: Love grows wider.


Reader 1: Peace does not ask us to cheapen or ignore the tragedies of this world

With yet another platitude of positivity. 

Reader 2: Peace does not require that we diminish the storms 

that rage outside and within us.

Reader 1: Peace does not demand a facade of stillness and silence 

when upheaval comes and all that we hoped for is gone.


ALL: And so we let Love grow wider. To make more space. For peace.

Reader 1: Stretching our hearts to a fuller capacity.

Reader 2: The tragedies of this world, the storms that rage, the upheavals that come 

don’t grow smaller. 

ALL: Love grows wider. To make more space. For peace.


Reader 1: This is where we find Peace. 

ALL: In the Love that keeps us, carries us, holds us fast

Reader 2: In the growing, in the stretching, in the holy knowing that 


Reader 1: In the crucible of the darkness

resurrection hope whispers a story of new life and light.


ALL: And as Love grows wider. To make more space. For peace.

We find ourselves leaning in to hear this whisper from the Holy. 


Peace be still. 

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