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A Blessing for the way through

The only way forward…is through.

When you find yourself tempest tossed

When you look inward to the storms raging in your heart,

And you look outward to the unrelenting,

unyielding heaviness of this world.

When you must find a way to be brave & afraid…

Not to become defeated, numb or paralyzed into complacency

But to move courageously in the midst of your fear.

The only way forward… is through.

Blessed are you who stand in despair & desolation,

weighed down by the heaviness of grief in the remnants & ruins

of all that you hoped for laid bare in brokenness and

And hear your trembling voice say: “it is finished.”

Take courage. Take heart.

Take a breath. And another.

Listen. Can you hear it?

God says “behold I am going to make all things new.”

God asks each of us, all of us — can these dry bones live?

Our answer must be the same as Ezekiel’s.

“God only you know.”

And we add our voices:

“Lord I believe. Help my unbelief.”

We ask, Is there beauty here in the ashes?

Does joy come in the mourning?

Oh God please — if you will not calm the storm,

Silence the storms in me.

The only way forward… is through.

Where there are only dry bones

the Spirit of Love breathes

resurrection Hope.

“Lead me beside still waters.”

“Peace. Be still.”

The only way forward… is through.

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